USSD is the United States member of the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD). ICOLD leads the international dam profession in setting standards and guidelines to ensure that dams are built and operated safely; efficiently; economically; and are both environmentally sustainable and socially equitable.
By joining USSD you are recognized as a member of ICOLD. This membership provides access to the network and resources of ICOLD. This includes:
- access to global technical content
- access to the World Register of Dams (more than 58,000 dams)
- directory of industry professionals from more than 100 countries,
- access to international technical committees
ICOLD National Committees of the Americas (INCA)
Per ICOLD guidelines the USSD's regional club assignment is INCA.
INCA shares the overall mission of ICOLD, which is to lead the dam engineering profession in setting standards and guidelines to ensure that dams are built and operated safely, efficiently, economically, and are environmentally sustainable and socially equitable.
In coordination with the ICOLD central office, INCA seeks to discuss and propose common positions on dam issues in the Americas, communicate on benefits and concerns related to dams, and enhance access to ICOLD knowledge and experience.
INCA representatives meet at the annual meeting of ICOLD each year, and also at selected events that are held in the member countries.

Member Countries:
- Argentina - Comité Argentino de Presas (CADP)
- Bolivia - Comité Boliviano de Grandes Presas
- Brazil - Comite Brasileiro Grandes Barragens (CBDB)
- Canada - Canadian Dam Association (CDA)
- Chile - Comité Nacional Chileno de Grandes Presas
- Colombia - Comité Colombiano de Grandes Presas
- Costa Rica - Comité Costarricense Grandes Presas
- Dominican Republic - Comité Dominicano de Grandes Presas
- Guatemala - Comité Guatemalteco de Grandes Presas
- Mexico - Comité Mexicano de Grandes Presas
- Panama - Panamanian Committee of Dams (COPAPRE)
- Paraguay - Comité Paraguay de Grandes Presas (CPDP)
- Peru - Comité Peruano de Grandes Presas
- United States Society on Dams (USSD)
- Uruguay - Comité Uruguayo de Grandes Presas
- Venezuela - Comité Venezolano de Grandes Presas